Saturday, February 23, 2008

ASLA Day at the State Library

Sunday 24 February
Yesterday I thought I would come home sure of exactly where I was going in my Research plan but I am still in the 'confused' state of not knowing if I really want to do action research on how teachers manage and use Guided Inquiry or if I would rather look at the use of specific Web 2.0 tools and how their use improves attitude and success in learning with teenagers.
The latter idea 'grabs' me more but I am actually working through Guided Inquiry with a team of four teachers next term anyway. Surely the project would be too huge to amalgamate both?!
(This Action Research is a project undertaken with collaborative assistance by a community of teacher librarians: CAR-TL.)

Life-Long Learning

I hope to use this space to record my journey as I learn, share and research my experiences in the use of ICTs to enrich and extend the learning and knowledge development of students and their teachers.
This goes hand in hand with assisting students and teachers to follow the Information Search Process in developing a 'Guided Inquiry' approach on their journey of assimilating information into knowledge.