Monday, March 30, 2009

ICTs in the Classroom - a revolution?

Mal Lee spoke at the Blue Mountains ACE group yesterday on the revolution that is really not happening yet in Australia. 'Normalisation' of technoloigy has not happened yet in our schools. He said that the technology is not as important as the expert using the tool - the TEACHER - we have all heard that before... and he went on to say that most teachers just replicate the old technology with the new. He spoke of nine critical variables and finally took questions where his views on current government initiatives, the secret of the success in the UK, and educational outcomes from additional use of technology. Again, here is a link to an audio plus my untidy notes!

Friday, March 20, 2009

I will start again - now that I have worked out what I am doing with my new Pen files! I am only making available the files with audio - not the pages of messy notes.
Here is the link to Will Richardson's second session on Connected/connective Writing

Here is his third session on using live streamed TV in the classroom setting.

New beginnings happen every day!

Today I went to the Network Literacy Conference hosted by Syba Signs and was totally inspired by Will Richardson! For the first time it really clicked that to 'blog' did not necessarily mean that I was totally Narcisistic but rather that I wanted to learn and share in community. I took my newest purchase with me - a Livescribe pen - and took notes while I recorded audio of the sessions. Now I am able to access the notes at any point and listen to the surrounding 'talk' as well. I now can share the notes and audio through this forum - NOW I wish I had written at a slower speed and more neatly.... Next time! Also I didn't hit record so audio is only connected to bottom part of the first page. Click on the text after that to skip to the section you want to hear as well as read.

Session 2

Session 3

I am still a little confused about free access to conferences - but in this case, as I know Will was videostreaming the talks to the open web, I think acess to my messy notes and audio of his talks is OK. [Also... never sit next to a person with a cough if using a Livescribe!]