Saturday, August 29, 2009

Reading activity for those "too cool for school"

We had a great 'Book Week' in the library last week. I took the idea suggested by a colleague from another school and set up a room for classes to come and have an experience of "Speed Dating with a Difference". [This followed on from last year's "Library Lover's Day" (Feb 14) when we 'wrapped and ribboned' many 'good reads' and students took them home to read and review.

The English teachers were keen for the experience this year and booked a total of 18 lesson times in the library for classes ranging from Years 5 to 10.

We had tables set with tablecloths, flowers, 'candles' (battery operated of course) and a centrepiece of a basket of appropriate books of various genres for each age group.

After a brief introduction to set the scene students were given four minutes to 'date a book' before giving it a rating and recording its title and author for future reference should they want to go on another date! They 'dated' five books in total within the lesson.

Even the students the teachers thought might be a bit "cool for school" and not want to take part, did enjoy the activity and the teachers want to repeat this type of activity occasionally to encourage borrowing and wide reading. A large number of students came back to borrow the books they had 'met'.

1 comment:

Kate Reid said...

I did a similar thing, but with pages photocopied from the selected books, and 2minutes (which decreased to one eventually) between changes. It was very enjoyable, the students were engaged, spent a lot of time checking who liked which books, and the teachers have requested more next year.